Axial Fans Int is constantly committed to improve its own quality management system, to guarantee the highest health and safety standards for its workers, to develop new sustainable technologies aimed at reducing power consumption and polluting emissions while fully respecting the environment.
Customer and Supplier Policy for the processing of personal data pursuant to Legislative Decree 196/2003 as amended by Legislative Decree 101/2018, and of art. 13 of the General Regulation on Data Protection (EU) 2016/679
Axial Fans Int Srl, with registered office in Via Leonardo da Vinci SNC - 21010 Besnate (VA), Fiscal Code and VAT number 02301740037 (hereinafter "Owner"), as Data Controller, pursuant to Legislative Decree 196/03 (hereinafter, "Privacy Code") as amended by Legislative Decree 101/2018 and art. 13 General Regulation on Data Protection EU 679/2016 (hereinafter "GDPR") informs you that your data will be processed in the following manner and for the following purposes:
Object of data processing
The Owner processes personal identification data (such as name, surname, company name, address, phone number, email address, bank account details and payment information), hereinafter “personal data” o “data”, communicated by you in case of pre-contractual activities or conclusion of the contracts for supply of goods and/or of the Owner.
Purpose of data processing
Your personal data are processed without your express consent (Article 24 letter a), b), c) Privacy Code and art. 6 lett. b), e) GDPR), for the following purposes:
Contractual purposes.
Conclude contracts for the supply of goods and / or services of the Owner; fulfill the pre-contractual, contractual and tax obligations arising from existing relationship with you.
Administrative and accounting purposes.
For the purposes of applying the provisions concerning the protection of personal data, the processing of personal data carried out for administrative-accounting purposes is that related to the performance of organizational, administrative, financial and accounting activities, regardless of the nature of the data processed. In particular these purposes are pursued in case of internal organizational activities, functional activities of the fulfillment of contractual and pre-contractual obligations, management of the employment relationship in all its phases, keeping the accounts and applying the rules on tax, trade union, social security, health, hygiene and safety at work.
Informational and promotional purposes.
The use of e-mail address provided by the customer in case of direct sale of a product or service is permitted for the purpose of sending promotional information and newsletters. At the time of data collection and every time the communication is sent the interested party is informed of the possibility of opposing data processing easily and free of charge (Article 130 paragraph 4 of Legislative Decree 196 / 03)
In order to unsubscribe from the mailing list it is sufficient to send an email to or send a letter by regular mail to the address of the Owner indicated above (location) with the subject "cancellation mailing list".
Safety purposes, pursuant to Legislative Decree. 81/2008.
With particular reference to personal identification, data given by the guest / visitor of our offices (name, surname, institution or company name) data processing has the exclusive purpose of ensuring compliance with the formally applied company safety procedures also on the basis of current regulatory provisions (eg. data entry in the visitors’ register / database, temporary identification badge assignment, application of legal obligations concerning health and safety)
Exercise the rights of the Owner and the right of defense in court.
Methods of data processing
The processing of your personal data is carried out by means of the operations indicated in art. 4 of the Privacy Code and art. 4 n. 2) GDPR and precisely: collection, registration, organization, storage, consultation, processing, modification, selection, extraction, comparison, use, interconnection, blocking, communication, cancellation and destroying of data. Your personal data is subject to both paper and electronic and / or automated processing.
The Owner will process the personal data for the time necessary to fulfill the aforementioned purposes and in any case for no more than 10 years from the termination of the contract and for no more than 5 years from the collection of data for the information and promotional purposes.
Access to data
For the purposes of the par.2 of this document, your data may be available to:
Employees and staff authorized by the Owner;
Data processors and system administrators designated by the Owner;
Third-parties or other entities (indicatively: credit institutions, professional firms, consultants, insurance, suppliers of third party technical services, mail carriers, hosting providers, IT companies, communication agencies, etc.) who carry out outsourced activities on behalf of the Owner, if necessary appointed as responsible for data processing;
Entities that provide services for the management of the information system used by the Owner and the telecommunications networks who take care of the maintenance of the technological part (including e-mail and the newsletter service);
Freelancers, firms or companies providing assistance and consultation;
Entities that perform control, revision and certification of the activities carried out by the Owner;
Authorities competent for the fulfillment of law obligations and / or provisions of public authorities requested by themselves
Your data may also be processed by professionals and/or companies in charge of carrying out technical, development, management and administrative-accounting activities on behalf of the Owner.
Data Transfer
The Owner processes personal data by adopting appropriate security measures to prevent unauthorized access, disclosure, modification or destruction of personal data. Data processing is carried out using IT and / or telematic tools using organizational methods and logic strictly related to the purposes indicated above.
Personal data is processed at the registered office of Axial Fans Int S.r.l. and using servers, which are made available by third-party providers and that are located in European Union; for more information contact the Owner. Anyway, it is understood that the Owner, if necessary, will have the right to move the servers outside of European Union. In this case, the Owner ensures that the transfer of non-EU data will take place in accordance with the applicable legal provisions, subject to the stipulation of contracts and according to procedures set out in Chapter V of the GDPR.
Nature of data provision and consequences of refusal to reply
We are obliged to acquire certain personal data in order to fulfill the obligations arising from existing contracts and law obligations, regulations, community legislation or provisions issued by the legitimated by law authorities and by supervisory and control entities. Refusal to provide the data may make it impossible to establish or continue the relationship to the extent depending on data required for the execution of the relationship.
The provision of data to the Owner for commercial communications is optional; the interested party can oppose data processing at any time easily and free of charge. In order to unsubscribe from the mailing list it is sufficient to send an email to or send a letter by regular mail to the address of the Owner indicated above (location) with the subject "cancellation mailing list".
Rights of the interested party
The interested party has the rights set by articles 15-21 of GDPR and precisely to: obtain confirmation of data existence, get to know its content and origin, verify its accuracy, request its integration, updating, correction, deletion, limitation of processing, portability, and to oppose, for legitimate reasons, to their treatment.
Whenever applicable the interested party has also the right to be forgotten, as well as the right to complain to the Antitrust Authority
The ways of exercising rights
You can exercise your rights at any time by sending:
a registered letter to the attention of Axial Fans Int S.r.l., in Via Leonardo da Vinci SNC, 21010 Besnate (VA);
an email to the following address:
The updated list of those responsible of data processing is kept at the registered office of the Owner.
Updated 2023-12-07
The Ethic Code identifies the principles and lines of conduct to which the directors, employees and collaborators of Axial Fans Int must comply as part of their respective functions and work
activities. The provisions of the Ethic Code are an integral part of the contractual obligations assumed by the recipients. Among other things, it disciplines:
• relations with the Public Administrations;
• relations with Customers and Competitors;
• the rules for the protection of Health, Safety and the Environment;
• the Social Responsibility of the Company;
• the internal Control System.
Axial Fans Int sensitive to the need to ensure conditions of fairness and transparency in the conduct of its business, has adopted its own Company Organizational Model in compliance with the
Legislative Decree 231/2001. A dedicated committee (ODV Organismo Di Vigilanza) has been appointed in order to guarantee the compliance to the established rules. Those who intend to report
illegal and non-compliant behavior can write to
Conformemente a quanto previsto dal D.lgs. 24/2023, AXIAL FANS INT s.r.l. (di seguito anche "AXIAL FANS INT" o "la Società”) ha attivato i propri canali di segnalazione di whistleblowing.
Chi può segnalare?
Possono effettuare le segnalazioni che verranno gestite conformemente al D.lgs. 24/23:
i lavoratori subordinati;
i lavoratori con contratto di lavoro tempo parziale, intermittente, tempo determinato, somministrazione, apprendistato, lavoro accessorio;
i lavoratori che svolgono prestazioni occasionali;
i lavoratori autonomi che prestano la propria opera presso la Società;
i liberi professionisti e consulenti che prestano la propria opera presso la Società;
i volontari e i tirocinanti, retribuiti o non retribuiti, che prestano la propria opera presso la Società;
i fornitori di beni e servizi della Società;
gli azionisti:
le persone che, anche di fatto, rivestono funzioni di amministrazione, direzione, controllo, vigilanza o rappresentanza della Società.
Cosa si può segnalare?
Sono oggetto di segnalazione le informazioni sulle violazioni delle disposizioni normative nazionali o dell’Unione Europea, che ledono l’interesse pubblico o l’integrità della Società, di cui il segnalante è venuto a conoscenza nel contesto lavorativo.
Non sono segnalazioni whistleblowing:
Contestazioni, rivendicazioni o richieste personali relative al proprio rapporto di lavoro (da inviare alle funzioni aziendali competenti)
Reclami o contestazioni relativi ai servizi svolti e ai prodotti forniti dalla Società (da inviare alle funzioni aziendali competenti).
Come segnalare?
Il canale di gestione interno è da utilizzare in via prioritaria.
Le segnalazioni possono essere effettuate a mezzo dello specifico tool informatico Whistleblowing accessibile cliccando qui
Il tool permette di effettuare segnalazioni in forma scritta, mediante messaggistica vocale, con il caricamento di video e foto, nonché attraverso la richiesta di incontro con il gestore della segnalazione.
Chi è il gestore delle segnalazioni?
Il soggetto competente alla ricezione e alla gestione delle segnalazioni è l’Organismo di Vigilanza che può avvalersi del supporto di risorse interne specificamente autorizzate mediante apposita comunicazione data per iscritto.
Inoltre, nello svolgimento dell’istruttoria, l’Organismo di Vigilanza può essere supportato dalle strutture organizzative aziendali di volta in volta competenti ovvero dai professionisti esterni allo scopo incaricati.
I segnalanti possono ricorrere al canale esterno gestito da ANAC, collegandosi al sito, esclusivamente nei seguenti casi:
la Società non ha attivato un canale di segnalazione interna ovvero questo non è conforme al D.lgs. 24/2023;
è già stata effettuata una segnalazione al canale interno, ma questa non ha avuto seguito;
il segnalante ha fondato timore di ritenere che, se utilizzasse il canale interno, non riceverebbe efficace seguito o potrebbe essere sottoposto a ritorsioni;
il segnalante ha fondato motivo di ritenere che la violazione possa costituire pericolo imminente o palese per il pubblico interesse.
I segnalanti possono, altresì, effettuare la divulgazione pubblica (stampa e altri mezzi di diffusione quali social network), al ricorrere di una delle seguenti condizioni:
il segnalante ha previamente effettuato una segnalazione interna ed esterna ovvero ha effettuato direttamente una segnalazione esterna e non è stato dato riscontro entro i termini stabiliti in merito alle misure previste o adottate per dare seguito alle segnalazioni;
il segnalante ha fondato motivo di ritenere che la violazione possa costituire un pericolo imminente o palese per il pubblico interesse;
il segnalante ha fondato motivo di ritenere che la segnalazione esterna possa comportare il rischio di ritorsioni o possa non avere efficace seguito in ragione delle specifiche circostanze del caso concreto, come quelle in cui possano essere occultate o distrutte prove oppure in cui vi sia fondato timore che chi ha ricevuto la segnalazione possa essere colluso con l'autore della violazione o coinvolto nella violazione stessa.
Resta ferma la possibilità di denuncia alle Autorità nazionali competenti giudiziarie e contabili.
AXIAL FANS INT in attuazione di quanto sopra, ha adottato la “Procedura di gestione delle segnalazioni di whistleblowing”, consultabile qui AXIAL FANS Procedura Whistleblowing
Per una compiuta analisi:
dei soggetti che possono effettuare le segnalazioni,
dell’oggetto delle segnalazioni,
dei canali di segnalazione,
delle modalità di gestione della stessa,
delle tutele garantite ai segnalanti, ai segnalati in mala fede e agli ulteriori soggetti indicati nella norma
nonché per tutto quanto non indicato nella presente informativa, si rinvia alla Procedura.
Per l’informativa privacy cliccando qui AXIAL FANS Informativa Privacy.pdf